Δευτέρα 7 Ιουνίου 2010

Athens Newspaper Headlines

   The Monday edition of Athens' dailies at a glance

   The social security system, Eurogroup's meeting on Monday on the economic crisis in Europe, the government's efforts to reverse the negative climate and main opposition New Democracy leader Antonis Samaras' harsh attack against the memorandum during ND's pre congress meeting, dominated the headlines on Monday in Athens' newspapers.
   ADESMEFTOS TYPOS: "Olli Rehn: Neither EU nor IMF demanded the pensions to be cut in half".
   APOGEVMATINI: "Pension at the age of 65 for the working mothers in the private sector - Troika's new demands, the government bargaining again".
   AVRIANI: "Scandals out of control are strangling the two mainstream parties and destroying the country".
   ELEFTHEROS: "The Greeks who were invited to the Bilderberg Group meeting - The Group convened in Spain on the euro".
   ELEFTHEROS TYPOS: "End to PASOK's mockery - The pensioners' drama begins".
   ELEFTHEROTYPIA: "Pensions: Labour Minister Andreas Loverdos satisfied because....the memorandum will be implemented".
   ESTIA: "Emergency Government in order to avoid bankruptcy".
   ETHNOS: "Cold shower on social security ".
   IMERISSIA: "Insecurity virus in markets - International alarm over the deficits".
   NAFTEMPORIKI: "Sweeping changes in public works".
   TA NEA: "The new pensions: the size of pensions and the retirement age".
   VRADYNI: "Antonis Samaras sternly attacked the government on the memorandum: They did not know what they voted for".